No, You Can’t Super-Glue Your Loose Implant: Try Cosmetic Dentistry in Scottsdale, AZ Instead

No, You Can’t Super-Glue Your Loose Implant: Try Cosmetic Dentistry in Scottsdale, AZ Instead

If you live in North Scottsdale and you’ve had a dental implant, chances are you have the resources to return to the dentist if your implant gets loose.

But you also might be a DIY aficionado and figure, well, if you can caulk your own bathroom, you must surely be able to fix your own implant.

You might find out you’re wrong. You might try some super glue and discover that the moisture from your saliva deactivates the glue. Then you’re left with a mouthful of super-glue clumps and a still-wobbly implant.

You might also order some bonding material online, then try to yank off the implant crown with a pair of pliers. You might then be horrified to learn that your crown was screwed in, not cemented in. You might also shatter the crown.

Having a loose dental implant is not a time to test your handyman abilities. You need trained hands and the latest equipment to pinpoint the cause of your loose implant and employ the best strategy to save it.

First, you have to determine whether it’s just the crown that’s loose, or the implant itself (the metal part that’s inserted into your gums). If it’s the former, then the dentist can remove the crown, clean the abutment and reattach the crown.

If it’s the latter, your implant might be failing and the dentist can take immediate action to help save your implant.

If you’re seeking cosmetic dentistry in Scottsdale, AZ, then look no further. My Scottsdale Dentist is the center for you.

Don’t wait any longer. Contact us and we’ll get you in for an appointment as soon as possible.