Dental Implants

Advantages of Implant Dentistry

Dental implants are stronger and more durable than their restorative counterparts bridges and dentures. Implants offer a permanent solution to tooth loss. Additionally, implants may be used in conjunction with other restorative procedures for maximum effectiveness. For example, a single implant can serve to support a crown replacing a single missing tooth. Implants can also be used to support a dental bridge for the replacement of multiple missing teeth, and can be used with dentures (known as implant dentures) to increase stability and reduce gum tissue irritation. However, candidacy for implantation still varies, meaning that Dr. Steven Poulos will need to determine if you should opt for an alternative restoration.

Success Rates of Dental Implants

Dental implants are among the most successful procedures in dentistry. There is no guarantee that an implant procedure will be successful, but studies have shown a five-year success rate of 95% for lower jaw implants and 90% for upper jaw implants. The success rate for upper jaw implants is slightly lower because the upper jaw (especially the posterior section) is less dense than the lower jaw, making successful implantation and osseointegration potentially more difficult to achieve. Lower posterior implantation has the highest success rate for all dental implants. Steven Poulos DDS & Sid Stevens DDS will evaluate your needs during an initial consultation and talk with you about your options. For most patients, dental implant procedures have extraordinary success rates and significantly improve form and function of the teeth with permanent results.

Contact My Scottsdale Dentist

For more information on dental implants, or if you would like to schedule a consultation to talk more about this procedure, please contact My Scottsdale Dentist today.

Post Date: May 26, 2018

All-on-4 Implants

All-on-4 Implants

Years ago if you had dentures everyone knew it. All-on-4 Implants also known as  teeth in a day are a wonderful way to improve your appearance and restore your facial features overnight. Today you can have a beautiful set of new teeth that are natural looking, feel and function like real teeth. Isn't it time that you have the gorgeous smile you have been dreaming of?

This revolutionary technique provides new hope for those who wear dentures.

A Good Alternative to Dentures

Teeth in a day use all four implants attached at a 45 degree angle. The jaw strength increases because they use your bone for natural support. The teeth in a day procedure requires no bone grafting which eliminates painful discomfort.

All-on-4 Implants replacement for Dentures


Upper dentures have a better fit than lower dentures however, both require time for them to 'bed-in'. Regardless of how precise the fitting, the lower dentures never attain a secure feel.

  • Dentures cause irritation especially when eating
  • Must practice learning to speak
  • Coughing, yawning or sneezing may cause possible dislodgment
  • Requires special cleanser


All-on-4 Implants


You clean them like natural teeth because they are permanent. No more using messy gels, pastes or adhesives.

Extremely comfortable because they are not pressing down on your gums

Allow you to experience hot, cold and enjoy the taste of your food. Now you can enjoy all your favorite foods and with a forceful bite. No more sideways chewing or using side or back teeth

  • Prevent bone deterioration
  • Speaking comes naturally


With a 98% success rate the benefits of All-on-4 implants outweigh the disadvantages of dentures. Whether you are taking pictures, attending a wedding or want to improve your appearance, you can have teeth in a day and feel good doing it.

Dr. Steven Poulos and Sid Stevens are cosmetic dentists with more than 20 years of experience. They take pride in helping their patients and will take time to answer all your questions and concerns. Located in Scottsdale, AZ, the staff at My Scottsdale Dentist are friendly and will give you a warm welcome. For more information about our products and services contact us today.

Post Date: July 6, 2015

Get Your Confidence Back For The Summer, With Implants In A Day

Get Your Confidence Back For The Summer, With Implants In A Day Can you believe that summer will arrive soon? Well, since summer is getting closer, many people are going to do whatever they can to ensure they will look their best during the summer months. They may want to look their best just for going to the store or they may want to look their best because the are going on vacation. Whatever the reasons may be, we all want to look our best at all times, or maybe most of the time. We want to feel confident, not only on the outside, but on the inside as well. When we look good, we feel good, right? However, if you have teeth that are missing, loose, or chipped, you may find it difficult to find your confidence when it comes to talking or smiling. During the summer, you may run into people you have not seen in a while and you will see new faces. You certainly want to make the best impression, and getting implants in a day at My Scottsdale Dentist will ensure you have that smile you have always wanted. Whether you need new dental implants or you want to replace the implants you currently have, Dr. Steven Poulos and Dr. Sid Stevens can handle all cases. Many patients prefer dental implants over other procedures. When you have straight teeth and a smile that will light up the room, you will regain your confidence and your self-esteem. With confidence and a great smile, you will no longer feel uncomfortable talking and smiling around people. Many patients see major improvements in their career life, home life, and social life because they are now confident and happy. Contact us or come into our office if you are ready to have an unforgettable smile.

Post Date: June 2, 2015

Teeth In A Day In Scottsdale: You Can Smile Confidently Again

Years ago, when people wanted to replace several teeth, it would be a lengthy and costly procedure. A patient would have to go through several surgeries, and it Teeth in a Day Scottsdalecould take months or years before the entire process was completed. We have certainly come a long way in recent years because now you do not have to wait for months to show someone your new smile.

You can have your new teeth in a day in Scottsdale

All-on-4 is a process for patients who need to have teeth replaced. These patients typically need extensive replacements, and the All-on-4 process is something that will save patients a great amount of time, frustration, discomfort, and of course, money. Patients will have their teeth replaced in just one day, and they will not even need bone grafting.

My Scottsdale Dentist

Dr. Steven Poulos and Dr. Sid Stevens can help you determine if All-on-4 is the right procedure for you. You will have your mouth scanned, and the images will be used to determine where all of your bones are located, as well as the nerves and sinuses.

We will make sure that we plan your smile before the process is started. All of the teeth that need to be removed will be taken out, and your implants will be put in. Your teeth will then be adapted to your new implants. These are only a few reasons why many patients choose to have this procedure. Here are additional reasons:


  • You can save money by having this procedure
  • You will get quick results
  • There is no bone grafting involved
  • You will not be limited to certain foods
  • You will save a significant amount of time
  • You can smile again, confidently


At My Scottsdale Dentist, we want to have a relationship with our patients so we can all have long-term success when it comes to answering any dental problems you may have.

If you want to learn more about the All-on-4 implants and get your teeth in a day in Scottsdale, contact us.

Post Date: April 30, 2015

Teeth In A Day In Scottsdale: You No Longer Have To Cover Your Smile

Teeth in a Day Scottsdale

For many people, the "All-on-4" procedure is one that is attractive and appealing to those with various problems with their teeth. This solution works great for those who are tired of or for people whose teeth are weakening.

Teeth in a day in Scottsdale  procedure is performed when the patient is sedated which means that the patient will not feel any kind of pain while having a full set of replacements of teeth.

Why Would Someone Choose All-On-4?

This procedure provides relief to patients who are not a candidate for traditional dentures. Teeth in a day in Scottsdale provides immediate functionality while improving the quality of a patients life. Another great thing about this procedure is that aside from receiving teeth in one day, you will likely be able to avoid bone grafting surgery.

Do You Qualify As A Candidate For Teeth In A Day?

If you are curious about where you are a potential patient for an All-On-Four procedure or if you have ever experienced any of the symptoms listed below, you may want to schedule a consultation with us at My Scottsdale Dentist:

  • Your teeth have cracks or they are broken and chipped
  • You are missing several teeth
  • Your bite is collapsed
  • You have a periodontal disease
  • You have acid reflux disease
  • You want to improve the overall look of your teeth and your smile

Contact us today at My Scottsdale Dentist for a consultation.

Post Date: April 1, 2015

Imagine Getting Implants in a Day

Imagine Getting Implants in a Day

Can you imagine getting a full set of implants in a day? My Scottsdale Dentist can make this dream a reality. Thanks to an inventive new dental implant technique, failing or missing teeth can now be replaced with beautiful implants in as little as one day.

There are many different reasons why people lose their teeth. Tooth loss can occur because of injury, gum disease or tooth decay. Until the invention of dental implants, the only available treatment options were dentures and bridges. Today, whether a patient wishes to replace a single tooth, multiple teeth or all of his or her teeth, his or her smile can be beautifully restored quickly and efficiently by the dentists at our practice. We can provide a strong foundation for both removable replacement teeth or for fixed, permanent ones that are custom made to match the patient's natural tooth color.

Without going through months-long, multiple procedures that drag out over time, getting implants in one day can provide countless benefits. Patients have reported remarkable improvements in their appearance. Some even experience improvements in speech. Eating becomes exponentially less complicated with dental implants, as opposed to eating while wearing dentures. Another great benefit of implants is the fact that the surrounding teeth do not have to be altered, which lessens the risks of tooth damage, and leads to overall better oral health.

Implants in a day are much more durable than dentures. In many cases, with proper care, they can last a patient's entire lifetime. Implants are as close to the patient's real teeth as anything can get, and are oftentimes an improvement over the originals.

After they are set into place, there is a recovery period while the implants heal. During this period of time, patients are typically instructed to follow a soft food diet for a number of weeks and to return to their dentists for several checkups to make sure everything is healing according to plans.

Dental implants in a day can change a person's entire outlook on life, providing that individual with a beautiful smile. Getting implants in one day can help that change happen overnight.

Please contact us to schedule an appointment today.

Post Date: March 13, 2015

Implants In A Day Can Help Bring Your Smile Back

Implants In A Day Can Help Bring Your Smile Back

It is likely that you have heard about dental implants, but you may not be completely sure about why people get these implants. On the other hand, you could also know plenty about implants and you need a dental implants dentist. Regardless of what question applies to you, we want to give you advice on why you may need dental implants.

Having dental implants in a day in Scottsdale will give you the freedom that you are looking for in your life. You will not have to make multiple dental appointments and change your schedule just because you need implants. Dental implants are the best choice and option for many people. Implants are generally more comfortable for patients, and they give you a natural look. The implants will also last longer than other available alternatives.

Here are a few reasons and signs that you may want to consider dental implants.

You Want A Boost In Your Confidence

We understand that not everyone is comfortable with their appearance. If you are uncomfortable with your smile, then you have the right to do something about it. No one should feel that he or she should hide a smile. However, it can be uncomfortable for people to show a smile because of their teeth. Dental implants are more natural-looking than dentures. When you have dental implants and showcase your new smile, many people will have no idea that you are wearing implants.

Uncomfortable Eating Foods

Implants will help restore the teeth that have been damaged so you can continue eating your favorite foods and speaking more comfortably. You will not have to suffer through a meal because you are uncomfortable chewing your food. Dental implants are worth having, especially for those who have to make uncomfortable adjustments to their daily lives because of missing teeth.

Additional Reasons Why You May Need Implants

  • You are wearing dentures
  • You are suffering from bone loss
  • Your current dental work needs more support
  • You have lost one or more teeth

Typically, people consider replacing a tooth as soon as it comes out. The implants that you receive in one day will last for the rest of your life, and they will match the shades of your other teeth. You will now be able to showcase your smile with no hesitation.

If you are interested in having implants in a day in Scottsdale, contact us.

Post Date: February 17, 2015

Get Your New Teeth in a Day in Scottsdale and have a smile you love!

Get Your New Teeth in a Day in Scottsdale and have a smile you love!

If you are looking for an effective way to replace one of your missing teeth after an extraction or after you have an accident, then you should consider a dental implant. Prior to the tremendous advances in technology, patients who lost one or more multiple teeth to various reasons would have to settle for dentures.

Now, we have sophisticated technology that allows patients to receive their new teeth in a day in Scottsdale. The dental implants are designed to look exactly like the natural teeth that are already in your mouth. If a patient does not have enough bone density or they have a limited budget, the All-on-4 procedure is definitely an ideal solution. Any adult who thought having dental implants were out of their zone can now benefit from this solution.

Why Should You Consider All-on-4 Teeth in A Day in Scottsdale?

  • You will get your teeth in a day. How great is that?
  • You can not remove them so they will not become uncomfortable or fall out unexpectedly.
  • You clean them similar to the way you clean your natural teeth.
  • You do not have to remove them after you eat something or when you are going to bed at night.
  • No gag reflex
  • You can eat what you want
  • You will not need to use any adhesives or cleaning solutions.
  • The teeth are designed to fit your mouth, so your mouth will be comfortable at all times.
  • Can last for a number of years as long as you take care of them properly
  • You will have your smile back

With All-on-4 dental implants, you will have teeth in a day in Scottsdale that will feel like real teeth and they will do their job just like real teeth. When you eat, smile, speak, and laugh, the confidence that may have slipped away will return. You will look and feel better about your quality of life that you have renewed.

Contact us at My Scottsdale Dentist if you are interested in scheduling a consultation.

Post Date: January 26, 2015

How do Dental Implants Work?

A dental implant is a way to create a prosthetic tooth. There are many ways to create prosthetic teeth without implants such as removable dentures and bridges. However, for a truly natural look and feel an implant is the best solution. Dental implants in Scotttsdale can be used to replace one tooth, several teeth, or all of the teeth.

Endosteal Implants

Endosteal implants are placed into the jawbone. They usually consist of a titanium screw that is inserted into the bone. The bone is then allowed to grow into and around the screw. During the bone healing process a temporary crown is placed on the implant. Once the implant has healed, a permanent crown is used to replace the temporary crown.

Endosteal implants sound complicated, but most individuals can return to work the day after placement of the implant. The temporary crown functions reasonably well during the healing process (which can take several months). The permanent crown is custom-build to match the patient's other teeth, to provide the most cosmetically pleasing result possible.

Subperiosteal Implants

Subperiosteal implants are placed under the gum on top of the jawbone. They are usually only used with patients who lack sufficient bone in their jaw to hold endosteal implants. Patients who lack bone can undergo procedures to try to build sufficient bone to hold an endosteal implant, but this can be a complicated and time-consuming procedure that does not always work (see next section).

A subperiosteal implant is a sort of metal cage that rests over the jawbone underneath the soft tissue of the gum. A little metal post sticks up for attachment of the crowns. Subperiosteal implants are most often used to restore multiple missing teeth in the upper jaw. The bone in the upper jaw tends to be more porous and less likely to be able to support endosteal implants than the lower jaw.

Because the implant has to be custom-designed to each patient's jaw, these implants are more expensive than endosteal implants. The implantation procedure requires a more extensive surgical procedure to insert the metal structure underneath the gum tissue.

Bone Augmentation

Many individuals lack sufficient bone in their jaw to support an endosteal implant. Causes of insufficient bone include gum disease, loss of teeth some time prior to the attempt to place implants, and injuries to the face.

Bone grafts are the most common way to try to re-build the jawbone. Bone taken from other parts of the body or from donors is implanted under the gumline in a simple surgical procedure. Patients can usually return to work the day after the procedure, but need to take special precautions with oral hygiene while the grafts heal. It usually takes several months for the grafts to fully integrate into the bone. After the bone heals, endosteal implants are inserted.

Transosteal Implants

Transosteal implants are metal pins that go all the way through the jawbone and are anchored underneath the jawbone with a metal plate. They are placed much like endosteal implants, but require a much more invasive surgical procedure with an incision in the skin under the jaw. Transosteal implants are almost never used today. When they are used, they are only used on the lower jaw for patients with very limited bone structure.

Intramucosal Implants

These implants are placed to hold removable dentures more firmly in the mouth. They are inserted into the upper jaw on the outside of the gums. They look kind of like little silver bumps. The dentures snap into them to improve denture fit and chewing power.

Endosteal implants are the easiest and cheapest option. They also provide the best cosmetic results. Endosteal implants do require good bone for placement. The best way to ensure good bone is present is to replace the missing tooth (or teeth) as soon as possible after it is lost or extracted.

If you're about to lose a tooth, or lost one recently, don't delay. Contact us to make an appointment with Dr. Steven Poulos or Dr. Sid Stevens to discuss the possibility of getting dental implants in Scottsdale at My Scottsdale Dentist.

Post Date: January 12, 2015

No, You Can’t Super-Glue Your Loose Implant: Try Cosmetic Dentistry in Scottsdale, AZ Instead

No, You Can't Super-Glue Your Loose Implant: Try Cosmetic Dentistry in Scottsdale, AZ Instead

If you live in North Scottsdale and you've had a dental implant, chances are you have the resources to return to the dentist if your implant gets loose.

But you also might be a DIY aficionado and figure, well, if you can caulk your own bathroom, you must surely be able to fix your own implant.

You might find out you're wrong. You might try some super glue and discover that the moisture from your saliva deactivates the glue. Then you're left with a mouthful of super-glue clumps and a still-wobbly implant.

You might also order some bonding material online, then try to yank off the implant crown with a pair of pliers. You might then be horrified to learn that your crown was screwed in, not cemented in. You might also shatter the crown.

Having a loose dental implant is not a time to test your handyman abilities. You need trained hands and the latest equipment to pinpoint the cause of your loose implant and employ the best strategy to save it.

First, you have to determine whether it's just the crown that's loose, or the implant itself (the metal part that's inserted into your gums). If it's the former, then the dentist can remove the crown, clean the abutment and reattach the crown.

If it's the latter, your implant might be failing and the dentist can take immediate action to help save your implant.

If you're seeking cosmetic dentistry in Scottsdale, AZ, then look no further. My Scottsdale Dentist is the center for you.

Don't wait any longer. Contact us and we'll get you in for an appointment as soon as possible.

Post Date: December 2, 2014