Imagine Getting Implants in a Day

Imagine Getting Implants in a Day

Can you imagine getting a full set of implants in a day? My Scottsdale Dentist can make this dream a reality. Thanks to an inventive new dental implant technique, failing or missing teeth can now be replaced with beautiful implants in as little as one day.

There are many different reasons why people lose their teeth. Tooth loss can occur because of injury, gum disease or tooth decay. Until the invention of dental implants, the only available treatment options were dentures and bridges. Today, whether a patient wishes to replace a single tooth, multiple teeth or all of his or her teeth, his or her smile can be beautifully restored quickly and efficiently by the dentists at our practice. We can provide a strong foundation for both removable replacement teeth or for fixed, permanent ones that are custom made to match the patient's natural tooth color.

Without going through months-long, multiple procedures that drag out over time, getting implants in one day can provide countless benefits. Patients have reported remarkable improvements in their appearance. Some even experience improvements in speech. Eating becomes exponentially less complicated with dental implants, as opposed to eating while wearing dentures. Another great benefit of implants is the fact that the surrounding teeth do not have to be altered, which lessens the risks of tooth damage, and leads to overall better oral health.

Implants in a day are much more durable than dentures. In many cases, with proper care, they can last a patient's entire lifetime. Implants are as close to the patient's real teeth as anything can get, and are oftentimes an improvement over the originals.

After they are set into place, there is a recovery period while the implants heal. During this period of time, patients are typically instructed to follow a soft food diet for a number of weeks and to return to their dentists for several checkups to make sure everything is healing according to plans.

Dental implants in a day can change a person's entire outlook on life, providing that individual with a beautiful smile. Getting implants in one day can help that change happen overnight.

Please contact us to schedule an appointment today.

Post Date: March 13, 2015

Superior Cosmetic Dentistry Scottsdale, AZ


Superior Cosmetic Dentistry Scottsdale, AZ

People often think of cosmetic dentistry as strictly a vanity measure when, in fact, it serves numerous practical purposes. For instance, teeth that are out of alignment can be difficult to clean properly. They can also result in tooth and jaw pain and can lead to an increase in the number of cavities a person develops. Because of their appearance, mature adults may not want to wear metal braces to straighten their teeth. The Invisalign alternative to braces is a perfect solution for straightening the teeth in an effective, discrete and affordable way. They are almost undetectable when worn, and result in beautifully aligned teeth that are more functional and more comfortable.

Dental implants are another example of the practicality of cosmetic dentistry. Implants increase stability that dentures do not provide. They enable wearers to lead normal lives, to eat, drink and smile without worrying that their dentures are going to slip or irritate their gums. Because they interact so closely with the soft gum tissue and bone, implants encourage growth in the same way a natural tooth would. Regular dentures do not do this. They are also versatile, in that they can replace missing teeth throughout the mouth. With proper care and maintenance, dental implants can last a lifetime.

If you are interested in a full spectrum of superior Cosmetic Dentistry Scottsdale, AZ is the location of a state-of-the-art facility that can provide you with some of the best cosmetic dentistry available anywhere. My Scottsdale Dentist is the perfect example of how people can work with a highly qualified expert to change their lives for the better through cosmetic dentistry.

Any cosmetic dental service should begin with a thorough professional examination and evaluation of any problems that the patient might be experiencing. Preventative care is the best kind of dental care. However, when problems do arise, or when a patient wants to improve his or her appearance, cosmetic dental services can provide answers that other types of dentistry simply do not provide.

Please contact us today, to schedule an appointment. Doctors Poulos and Stevens have viable solutions for all your dental needs.

Post Date: March 3, 2015

Implants In A Day Can Help Bring Your Smile Back

Implants In A Day Can Help Bring Your Smile Back

It is likely that you have heard about dental implants, but you may not be completely sure about why people get these implants. On the other hand, you could also know plenty about implants and you need a dental implants dentist. Regardless of what question applies to you, we want to give you advice on why you may need dental implants.

Having dental implants in a day in Scottsdale will give you the freedom that you are looking for in your life. You will not have to make multiple dental appointments and change your schedule just because you need implants. Dental implants are the best choice and option for many people. Implants are generally more comfortable for patients, and they give you a natural look. The implants will also last longer than other available alternatives.

Here are a few reasons and signs that you may want to consider dental implants.

You Want A Boost In Your Confidence

We understand that not everyone is comfortable with their appearance. If you are uncomfortable with your smile, then you have the right to do something about it. No one should feel that he or she should hide a smile. However, it can be uncomfortable for people to show a smile because of their teeth. Dental implants are more natural-looking than dentures. When you have dental implants and showcase your new smile, many people will have no idea that you are wearing implants.

Uncomfortable Eating Foods

Implants will help restore the teeth that have been damaged so you can continue eating your favorite foods and speaking more comfortably. You will not have to suffer through a meal because you are uncomfortable chewing your food. Dental implants are worth having, especially for those who have to make uncomfortable adjustments to their daily lives because of missing teeth.

Additional Reasons Why You May Need Implants

  • You are wearing dentures
  • You are suffering from bone loss
  • Your current dental work needs more support
  • You have lost one or more teeth

Typically, people consider replacing a tooth as soon as it comes out. The implants that you receive in one day will last for the rest of your life, and they will match the shades of your other teeth. You will now be able to showcase your smile with no hesitation.

If you are interested in having implants in a day in Scottsdale, contact us.

Post Date: February 17, 2015

Is Tooth Whitening Safe

Is Tooth Whitening in Safe?

Although everyone loves a white smile, many people who undergo tooth whitening procedures wonder if it is damaging their teeth- they worry it is weakening or degrading the structure of the tooth.  How Does Tooth Whitening Work? A professional tooth whitening in Scottsdale treatment uses a hydrogen peroxide agent that bleaches the enamel of the teeth. Most at-home tooth whitening kits use similar compounds but at lower concentrations. At-home chemicals are applied to the teeth for longer periods than the stronger solutions used in a one-hour professional whitening session. Side Effects Known side effects of tooth whitening include temporary tooth sensitivity. If the bleaching agent was allowed to get onto the soft tissues of the mouth (much more common with at-home kits) then these tissues may become irritated. Both the tooth sensitivity and tissue irritation go away after a few days.  ADA The American Dental Association (ADA) says that having a professional tooth whitening or using an ADA-approved home kit is considered to be safe. The ADA does admit that the safety of repeated unsupervised use of home kits is unknown. The ADA urges individuals who want whiter teeth to consult their dentist about the pros and cons of doing so, and to discuss the best approach. Patients with crowns, bridges and implants should definitely discuss the safety of exposing these materials to whitening agents with their dentist before proceeding. Studies In 2006, the Cochrane Collaboration conducted an independent review of tooth whitening. At that time, no study followed up patients for more than a month after the procedure. The only short-time side effects reported were tooth sensitivity and gum irritation. In 2011, a review of the evidence reported that tooth whitening did not erode or damage tooth enamel. This review included a number of laboratory studies of teeth. They found that tooth enamel could be eroded by tooth bleaching agents but only under extreme conditions invented in the laboratory that have little relevance to actual tooth whitening. Studies performed of actual living teeth being whitened suggested that there is a slight softening of the tooth enamel for about a week after a whitening procedure. During this week, it might be best to avoid using a very abrasive type of toothpaste.  Safety? So there is no need to worry- if done as directed, tooth whitening is safe both in the short-term and in the long-term. There will be some temporary changes in the sensitivity and structure of the tooth, but this will pass harmlessly after a few days. The idea that tooth-whitening is weakening or eroding away the tooth is unfounded. It is, however, best to consult Dr. Steven Poulos or Dr. Sid Stevens before proceeding with tooth whitening in Scottsdale. Dental work may not respond to whitening agents in the same way that natural teeth do. And some types of tooth discoloration simply do not respond to tooth whitening. At My Scottsdale Dentist we can examine your teeth and provide professional yet friendly advice on the best way to improve your smile. If you're unhappy with the way your teeth look, contact us today for an appointment.

Post Date: February 5, 2015

Children’s Dental Hygiene

Children's dental hygiene is a concern from the moment a child's first teeth come in, but treatment doesn't necessarily start right away. Says Cindy, dental hygienist at My Scottsdale Dentist, It's more monitoring and education than strictly treatment until they are about a year old, usually. We don't want to leave a bad impression with kids.

Some kids open right up, said Cindy of kids willingness to begin hygienic maintenance. Other kids, we don't push into it. We are more concerned with making them comfortable than getting them in the chair right away.

Early maintenance is important, however: without proper care, children's teeth can become infected or abscessed, causing intense pain. Some primary molars, located near the back of the mouth, aren't replaced until ages 10 to 14. Those teeth have to last until they are naturally replaced -- losing them early due to neglect or poor hygiene can cause problems that extend beyond a child's chompers later in life.

Steven H. Poulos, doctor at My Scottsdale Dentist in Scottsdale, AZ, is familiar with some of those problems -- and they are not always strictly physical. Lack of proper dental hygiene can lead to bad breath, which lowers a child's self-confidence during an important time in the development of their social skills, said Dr. Poulos.

Many bad habits are also unrelated to brushing and flossing, warned Steven Poulos DDS. Digit sucking and protracted pacifier use can lead to palate complications and a malformed bite.

There are a few distinct aspects that separate kids dentistry from adults. Length of appointments, types of treatment and their frequency make every visit unique -- just like the smiles that they are meant to keep healthy.

We usually to concentrate more on education with kids than adults, though we try to educate anyone who comes in about how to brush properly, about eating good foods, et cetera, said Poulos. Kids also always get fluoride treatment, where an adult might only receive it based on their history of cavities.

Another facet of kids dental care is one that's widely feared by most: braces. Not all kids need or get them -- Dr. Poulos said that the need is evaluated on a case-by-case basis by around age six -- and their necessity can be dictated by a few factors like genetics and certain puerile habits. That digit-sucking Steven Poulos mentioned? It forces the teeth into an unnatural shape and can lead to a misshapen bite and teeth that don't come in as they should.

At that point, braces might be the best bet at wrangling in the displaced rogue teeth.

Kids have heard from their parents -- and parents, from their dentists -- that candy, sugary drinks like soda and even pacifiers can cause dental issues down the road. But there are a couple of less-obvious practices that even parents might not suspect for the degradation of their child's dental health.

Poulos's chosen culprit? Sports drinks in older kids, Doc said, âcan be as bad for the teeth as any soda. Another dentally-dangerous habit, according to Dr. Poulos, is putting kids to sleep with bottled milk as opposed to water due to the concentration of sugar in the former. Everyone notices a nice smile, just like how everyone notices a bad one. There are many principles and practices that can help ensure the health of a child's smile, but the most important tenet is education. Parents know that children can be obstinate about avoiding bad foods, limiting sugary drinks and actually brushing their teeth twice a day, but a pea-sized lesson every day can save you and your kid time, money and grief down the road.

Kids have age on their side, said Dr. Stevens. There's time for them to begin practicing healthy habits that adults don't have. That gives them all the more reason to pay attention and start developing those healthy habits early.

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Post Date: February 5, 2015

When to Choose Veneers in Scottsdale Over Bleaching Your Teeth

When to Choose Veneers in Scottsdale Over Bleaching Your Teeth

A brilliant smile is a thing of beauty. There is no denying that a well-cared for smile lights up the room. When seeking to improve their smile, many patients often consider teeth whitening to be the default option. Bleaching your teeth to gain a brighter smile is a well-known technique, but does not always produce the results people desire. When are Veneers in Scottsdale favorable over traditional teeth whitening by bleaching?

Unfortunately, many times patients do not realize that the color of their teeth does not solely define their smile until after treatment. Patients come in desiring a picture perfect smile and believe a quick whitening treatment will solve all their problems. However, afterwards they are often disappointed with the results. When properly applied, bleaching does yield high quality results. The problem is people tend to focus solely on the color of their teeth when this is only a portion of the issue. The shape, contour, and harmony of their teeth play a huge role in the aesthetic appeal of your smile. When color is improved, other flaws suddenly become more apparent.

Porcelain veneers offer a permanent and pain free way to change your whole smile, including the shade, shape, size and position of your teeth. Bleaching yields the best results on younger patients who possess straight teeth with few signs of wear or tear. The average patient's teeth are flawed. They are crooked, either too long or too short, and possess at least a couple of small chips. Unfortunately, these small flaws are amplified by bleaching.

Many patients consider veneers after being disappointed with the results of teeth whitening. If you are unhappy with your smile, contact My Scottsdale Dentist. Dr. Poulos and Dr. Stevens will evaluate your teeth and review your options. They will be happy to explain how veneers create a beautifully shaped, long lasting smile, not just whiter teeth.

Post Date: February 5, 2015

Get Your New Teeth in a Day in Scottsdale and have a smile you love!

Get Your New Teeth in a Day in Scottsdale and have a smile you love!

If you are looking for an effective way to replace one of your missing teeth after an extraction or after you have an accident, then you should consider a dental implant. Prior to the tremendous advances in technology, patients who lost one or more multiple teeth to various reasons would have to settle for dentures.

Now, we have sophisticated technology that allows patients to receive their new teeth in a day in Scottsdale. The dental implants are designed to look exactly like the natural teeth that are already in your mouth. If a patient does not have enough bone density or they have a limited budget, the All-on-4 procedure is definitely an ideal solution. Any adult who thought having dental implants were out of their zone can now benefit from this solution.

Why Should You Consider All-on-4 Teeth in A Day in Scottsdale?

  • You will get your teeth in a day. How great is that?
  • You can not remove them so they will not become uncomfortable or fall out unexpectedly.
  • You clean them similar to the way you clean your natural teeth.
  • You do not have to remove them after you eat something or when you are going to bed at night.
  • No gag reflex
  • You can eat what you want
  • You will not need to use any adhesives or cleaning solutions.
  • The teeth are designed to fit your mouth, so your mouth will be comfortable at all times.
  • Can last for a number of years as long as you take care of them properly
  • You will have your smile back

With All-on-4 dental implants, you will have teeth in a day in Scottsdale that will feel like real teeth and they will do their job just like real teeth. When you eat, smile, speak, and laugh, the confidence that may have slipped away will return. You will look and feel better about your quality of life that you have renewed.

Contact us at My Scottsdale Dentist if you are interested in scheduling a consultation.

Post Date: January 26, 2015

Can Cosmetic Dentistry in Scottsdale, AZ Treat Depression?

Cosmetic Dentistry in Scottsdale, AZ offered at My Scottsdale Dentist believes everyone deserves a healthy smile.

A study published in December 2014 challenged the conventional notion that individuals with any degree of tooth loss need treatment to replace the missing teeth. The study found that individuals with tooth loss did not experience a significant reduction in ability to chew until they had lost quite a few teeth. In order to chew, individuals only needed a few cutting teeth at the front and a few molars at the back of the mouth. The authors of the study concluded that rushing to immediately replace any missing teeth is a misguided approach. Alarmingly, they suggested cutting back on public funds intended to help the poor obtain dentures and other replacements for missing teeth.

What about bone loss?

The focus on maintaining a reasonable ability to chew in the face of tooth loss does seem to neglect many important factors. For example, tooth loss invariably leads to gradual loss of bone from the jaw. If the tooth loss is treated quickly, there is almost always sufficient bone left to perform a simple dental implantation procedure to support a prosthetic tooth. If, however, the tooth loss is not treated for a considerable period of time, replacement of teeth becomes a much more difficult and expensive proposition. Cosmetic Dentistry in Scottsdale, AZ can help prevent this issue.

What about self-esteem?

The new study's focus on the ability to chew as being highly important for quality of life also seems to ignore the fact that the cosmetic appearance of the teeth is very important to most people. Stained, chipped and missing teeth can be devastating to a person's self-esteem, which will substantially affect quality of life. Many people with missing teeth are reluctant to smile or eat in public and feel very self-conscious, to the point of isolating themselves. Cosmetic Dentistry in Scottsdale, AZ is a big confidence booster.


In fact, a study presented at the 43rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition of the American Association for Dental Research reported a strong association between tooth loss and depression. The study analyzed data collected from a survey of around half a million individuals. The study found that individuals affected by tooth loss (due to periodontal disease) were also very likely to be affected by depression. The design of the study was unable to determine causation, namely it is unclear if depression causes tooth loss in some as yet undetermined fashion, or, more likely, that tooth loss can contribute to depression.

Smile again!

My Scottsdale Dentist can help if you are depressed, upset or self-conscious about your teeth with Cosmetic Dentistry in Scottsdale, AZ. Whether the problem is one or more missing teeth, a chipped tooth, or badly stained teeth, we can help. We understand that the appearance of your teeth is vitally important, just as important as being able to chew properly. Dr. Poulos and Dr. Stevens can help you smile again.

If you have any concerns about the appearance or health of your teeth, contact us for an appointment at our Scottsdale, AZ location today.

Post Date: January 16, 2015

How do Dental Implants Work?

A dental implant is a way to create a prosthetic tooth. There are many ways to create prosthetic teeth without implants such as removable dentures and bridges. However, for a truly natural look and feel an implant is the best solution. Dental implants in Scotttsdale can be used to replace one tooth, several teeth, or all of the teeth.

Endosteal Implants

Endosteal implants are placed into the jawbone. They usually consist of a titanium screw that is inserted into the bone. The bone is then allowed to grow into and around the screw. During the bone healing process a temporary crown is placed on the implant. Once the implant has healed, a permanent crown is used to replace the temporary crown.

Endosteal implants sound complicated, but most individuals can return to work the day after placement of the implant. The temporary crown functions reasonably well during the healing process (which can take several months). The permanent crown is custom-build to match the patient's other teeth, to provide the most cosmetically pleasing result possible.

Subperiosteal Implants

Subperiosteal implants are placed under the gum on top of the jawbone. They are usually only used with patients who lack sufficient bone in their jaw to hold endosteal implants. Patients who lack bone can undergo procedures to try to build sufficient bone to hold an endosteal implant, but this can be a complicated and time-consuming procedure that does not always work (see next section).

A subperiosteal implant is a sort of metal cage that rests over the jawbone underneath the soft tissue of the gum. A little metal post sticks up for attachment of the crowns. Subperiosteal implants are most often used to restore multiple missing teeth in the upper jaw. The bone in the upper jaw tends to be more porous and less likely to be able to support endosteal implants than the lower jaw.

Because the implant has to be custom-designed to each patient's jaw, these implants are more expensive than endosteal implants. The implantation procedure requires a more extensive surgical procedure to insert the metal structure underneath the gum tissue.

Bone Augmentation

Many individuals lack sufficient bone in their jaw to support an endosteal implant. Causes of insufficient bone include gum disease, loss of teeth some time prior to the attempt to place implants, and injuries to the face.

Bone grafts are the most common way to try to re-build the jawbone. Bone taken from other parts of the body or from donors is implanted under the gumline in a simple surgical procedure. Patients can usually return to work the day after the procedure, but need to take special precautions with oral hygiene while the grafts heal. It usually takes several months for the grafts to fully integrate into the bone. After the bone heals, endosteal implants are inserted.

Transosteal Implants

Transosteal implants are metal pins that go all the way through the jawbone and are anchored underneath the jawbone with a metal plate. They are placed much like endosteal implants, but require a much more invasive surgical procedure with an incision in the skin under the jaw. Transosteal implants are almost never used today. When they are used, they are only used on the lower jaw for patients with very limited bone structure.

Intramucosal Implants

These implants are placed to hold removable dentures more firmly in the mouth. They are inserted into the upper jaw on the outside of the gums. They look kind of like little silver bumps. The dentures snap into them to improve denture fit and chewing power.

Endosteal implants are the easiest and cheapest option. They also provide the best cosmetic results. Endosteal implants do require good bone for placement. The best way to ensure good bone is present is to replace the missing tooth (or teeth) as soon as possible after it is lost or extracted.

If you're about to lose a tooth, or lost one recently, don't delay. Contact us to make an appointment with Dr. Steven Poulos or Dr. Sid Stevens to discuss the possibility of getting dental implants in Scottsdale at My Scottsdale Dentist.

Post Date: January 12, 2015

How to Get A Complete New Set of Teeth in a Day in Scottsdale, Arizona

How to Get A Complete New Set of Teeth in a Day in Scottsdale, Arizona

If you are someone who hates the idea of having to get lots of new implants across many different appointments, there's a solution for that can get you new teeth in a day in Scottsdale, Arizona. The My Scottsdale Dentist practice has something called the All-on-4 implants plan that lets you get a full set of new teeth all in one day. Here's how it works.

All on 4 Procedure Overview

You can get brand new teeth in a day in Scottsdale, Arizona thanks to the skill of medical professionals like Dr. Steven Poulos and Dr. Sid Stevens. They've been doing procedures like this one for almost twenty years now, so they have a pretty good idea about what an amazing thing it can be to walk into their dentist office in the morning with a couple of failing teeth, and then walk out in the afternoon with a completely new smile and a new lease on life.

This procedure to get you brand new teeth in a day in Scottsdale involves using only four implants with two on each side as a way to anchor in a complete set of teeth for your mouth that are permanent. And the amazing thing is that this technique allows you to get your new teeth in a day, instead of having to wait as long as a year and a half with things like bone grafts and waiting around for your mouth to heal like the way it's done in other offices.

How to Get Started

If you want to avoid worrying about dentures, or if you are just worried about trying to handle many multiple teeth in your mouth giving you trouble all at once and would prefer just starting over, the all on 4 procedure could work for you beautifully.

All you have to do is contact us today to make the first step.

Post Date: January 2, 2015