How to Get A Complete New Set of Teeth in a Day in Scottsdale, Arizona

How to Get A Complete New Set of Teeth in a Day in Scottsdale, Arizona

If you are someone who hates the idea of having to get lots of new implants across many different appointments, there's a solution for that can get you new teeth in a day in Scottsdale, Arizona. The My Scottsdale Dentist practice has something called the All-on-4 implants plan that lets you get a full set of new teeth all in one day. Here's how it works.

All on 4 Procedure Overview

You can get brand new teeth in a day in Scottsdale, Arizona thanks to the skill of medical professionals like Dr. Steven Poulos and Dr. Sid Stevens. They've been doing procedures like this one for almost twenty years now, so they have a pretty good idea about what an amazing thing it can be to walk into their dentist office in the morning with a couple of failing teeth, and then walk out in the afternoon with a completely new smile and a new lease on life.

This procedure to get you brand new teeth in a day in Scottsdale involves using only four implants with two on each side as a way to anchor in a complete set of teeth for your mouth that are permanent. And the amazing thing is that this technique allows you to get your new teeth in a day, instead of having to wait as long as a year and a half with things like bone grafts and waiting around for your mouth to heal like the way it's done in other offices.

How to Get Started

If you want to avoid worrying about dentures, or if you are just worried about trying to handle many multiple teeth in your mouth giving you trouble all at once and would prefer just starting over, the all on 4 procedure could work for you beautifully.

All you have to do is contact us today to make the first step.

Post Date: January 2, 2015

Dental Implants In a Day! It is Totally Possible

Losing your teeth can be embarrassing. Don't cancel your date tonight! Visit Dr. Steven Poulos and Dr. Sid Stevens they can do dental implants in a day at My Scottsdale Dentist. Come in and restore that beautiful smile of yours.

A dental implant procedure typically takes a few months to finalize. But wait, I thought you said they could do it in a day? They can! While the full procedure will not be completed for a few months, My Scottsdale Dentist can provide you with temporary implants, so that you can carry on with your normal life in the meantime. You'll be able to see what your restored smile will look and feel like, and the best part is no one will ever know!

The key to dental implants is replacing the root of the missing tooth. Metal anchors will be surgically inserted into your jaw. These anchors need to bond with your jaw bone or else the procedure won't be successful. It typically takes 2 to 6 months for the anchors to completely bond. In the meantime, Dr. Steven Poulos and Dr. Sid Stevens will fit you for temporary teeth to wear for this period of time.

Once the anchors have bonded with the jaw bone, small posts are attached to the anchors. These protrude through the gums, and will have teeth attached to them. Finally, Dr. Poulos and Dr. Stevens will create artificial teeth to attach to the aforementioned posts using dental impressions.

Modern dental implants are completely safe and look great! Believe it or not there is historical proof of dental implants dating all the way back to the ancient Mayans in 660 AD. Back then they didn't have a wonderful place like My Scottsdale Dentist. Their doctors would find and shape pieces of shells that were suitable for teeth and then hammer these pieces into a patient's jaw. Luckily technology has advanced past this early practice!

Contact us for more information about dental implants in a day and other dental issues.

Post Date: December 31, 2014

Cosmetic Dentistry in Scottsdale, AZ: The Perfect Gift to Yourself

Cosmetic Dentistry in Scottsdale, AZ: The Perfect Gift to Yourself

When it comes to the holidays, most people think of others when it comes to gift giving, which is the way it should be. But sometimes you need to think of yourself as well. With Cosmetic Dentistry in Scottsdale, AZ, you can give yourself the perfect gift. Most people want to look attractive and your teeth are a big part of how others perceive you. With teeth that are crooked, missing, discolored, too large or too small, Dr. Steven Poulos and Dr. Sid Stevens at My Scottsdale Dentist can help change all of that and give you a look that is natural yet attractive and perfect for your own look. There are many options available and either Dr. Steven Poulos or Dr. Sid Stevens can help you choose the right one for you. Whether it is veneers you need, dentures, orthodontics, or teeth whitening; you will be able to change your entire look and show off a new smile. At My Scottsdale Dentist, they will help you make the right decision and in most cases, you can even see what your new smile will look like before you get started on the actual procedure. This allows you to make any changes so that you are totally satisfied with the outcome. All you have to do is contact us to set up an appointment; it's that easy to get started. You owe it to yourself to look your best and give the gift of a perfect smile for the new year.

Post Date: December 19, 2014

Achieve Your Perfect Smile in Time For Holiday Photos With Veneers in Scottsdale

Achieve Your Perfect Smile in Time For Holiday Photos With Veneers in Scottsdale

You look forward to the holidays all year. You love seeing the whole family together and the smiles on your kid's faces when they open the perfect present. As your looking back through last year's photos you can't help but notice the beautiful bright, white teeth of your children and your not so bright teeth. You've always been a little self-conscious. After all, you couldn't help but notice they've been looking a little dull lately, but seeing it laid out for eternity in the family photo album is a little unnerving. Sure, you could give up smiling, but there is a better option. Veneers in Scottsdale can give you the beautiful smile you've always dreamed of in time for this year's holiday photos.

Porcelain veneers are made up of a compilation of thin ceramic layers and a thin adhesive later. To apply the veneers a minimal amount of tooth enamel is removed to create room for the veneers. This allows a better fit and a more natural appearance.

Veneers are an excellent choice for teeth that have become dull or discolored, teeth that are fractured, gaps between teeth, and misshapen teeth. If your teeth have yellowed over time or become dull because of superficial stains, porcelain veneers may be the best option.

After removing a small amount of enamel, the dentist will make an impression of your teeth. This model is used to construct your veneers in as little as 1-2 weeks. The dentist will then prepare your teeth for the veneers by cleaning, polishing, and etching them. A special cement is then used to apply the veneers to your teeth. After which the dentist will use a special light to bond the veneer causing it to harden and cure quickly. After any excess cement is removed, the dentist will ask you to return in a couple of weeks to examine the veneer's placement, how your bite is adjusting, and how your gums are responding to the veneers.

Contact us for more information on how to have your perfectly white smile in time for this holiday season. If you're unhappy with the color and shape of your teeth, porcelain veneers may be the perfect option for restoring your youthful smile.

Post Date: December 11, 2014

No, You Can’t Super-Glue Your Loose Implant: Try Cosmetic Dentistry in Scottsdale, AZ Instead

No, You Can't Super-Glue Your Loose Implant: Try Cosmetic Dentistry in Scottsdale, AZ Instead

If you live in North Scottsdale and you've had a dental implant, chances are you have the resources to return to the dentist if your implant gets loose.

But you also might be a DIY aficionado and figure, well, if you can caulk your own bathroom, you must surely be able to fix your own implant.

You might find out you're wrong. You might try some super glue and discover that the moisture from your saliva deactivates the glue. Then you're left with a mouthful of super-glue clumps and a still-wobbly implant.

You might also order some bonding material online, then try to yank off the implant crown with a pair of pliers. You might then be horrified to learn that your crown was screwed in, not cemented in. You might also shatter the crown.

Having a loose dental implant is not a time to test your handyman abilities. You need trained hands and the latest equipment to pinpoint the cause of your loose implant and employ the best strategy to save it.

First, you have to determine whether it's just the crown that's loose, or the implant itself (the metal part that's inserted into your gums). If it's the former, then the dentist can remove the crown, clean the abutment and reattach the crown.

If it's the latter, your implant might be failing and the dentist can take immediate action to help save your implant.

If you're seeking cosmetic dentistry in Scottsdale, AZ, then look no further. My Scottsdale Dentist is the center for you.

Don't wait any longer. Contact us and we'll get you in for an appointment as soon as possible.

Post Date: December 2, 2014

If You’re Frustrated with Dentures, Teeth in a Day in Scottsdale, AZ Offers A Solution

If You're Frustrated with Dentures, Teeth in a Day in Scottsdale, AZ Offers A Solution

Dealing with dentures everyday can be frustrating. You must remove and clean them often, they require messy adhesives to keep them in place, and they increase the chance of gum and bone disease. My Scottsdale Dentist offers Teeth in a Day in Scottsdale, AZ as a permanent solution to failing or missing teeth without the drawbacks of dentures.

Unlike dentures, Teeth in a Day in Scottsdale, AZ are permanent teeth that never have to be taken out. They require no adhesives or special cleaning products. The teeth are permanent implants that are brushed just like your natural teeth. Teeth in a Day, also known as All-on-four, allows a bite with increased force, meaning no more worrying about losing your teeth biting into an apple or other hard foods.

Dentures wear away at the bone they are placed on. The constant grinding leads to bone deterioration and eventually the collapsing of the lower third of the face. As your ridge bone erodes, your chin comes closer to the nose, and your upper lip puckers in. This effect can add years to your appearance. Teeth in a Day prevents bone loss by providing the jaw bone a replacement tooth with a root that is capable of exerting the same amount of pressure as your natural teeth.

The Teeth in a Day system offered by Dr. Poulos and Dr. Stevens gives you the ability to change your smile today. Within 24 hours, you can immediately stop bone loss, stop worrying about the food you eat, and never be without teeth again. Imagine never having to take your dentures out for cleaning or dealing with painful mouth sores from ill-fitting dentures. It's all possible with the new Teeth in a Day, contact My Scottsdale Dentist for more information.

Post Date: November 24, 2014

Cosmetic Dentistry in Scottsdale, AZ Can Help with Receding Gums

Cosmetic Dentistry in Scottsdale, AZ Can Help with Receding Gums

Cosmetic Dentistry Scottsdale AZ My Scottsdale DentistReceding gums is a common problem with many and the problem may not be as visible until the damage is already done. The reason why gums recede is due to gum disease, where the teeth start to appear longer or the gums pull away from the teeth. While this is typically treatable, it can lead to tooth loss and the need for Cosmetic Dentistry in Scottsdale, AZ. If your gums have gotten to the point where there is no way to fix the problem through surgery or other means, implants or dentures may be the route to take to have a healthy, attractive smile. Of course no one wants to lose their teeth but sometimes this is the better choice if the situation has gotten to the point of being unhealthy since gum disease is linked to other issues such as diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer. Dr. Steven Poulos and Dr. Sid Stevens at My Scottsdale Dentist can evaluate your needs and help you not only look better but feel better as well. Since gum disease can cause other health issues, implants or dentures may be the right choice for your situation. Another thing to keep in mind is that dentures or implants are not the end-all to your youth. In fact, since the doctors at My Scottsdale Dentist can make your implants or dentures look natural and beautiful, no one even has to know. If you want to learn more or would like to make an appointment, please contact us.

Post Date: November 11, 2014

Sedation Dentistry

Dental anxiety may have debilitating effects for numerous people.

A new study by Case Western Reserve University showed that dental anxiety could cause a person to flinch even after a cotton swab makes minimal contact with his or her gums. Many other people don't even bother to visit the dentist based on their anxiety.

The only way to combat this issue, in many cases, is to come up with new methods of sedation. Moderate sedation allows the patient to be conscious by suppressing the brain's reaction to pain and stress while still enabling the person to communicate with the dentist.

Madhavi Setty, DDS, recently wanted to find out more about how dental specialties use sedation. The study appears in the Journal of Endodontics.

The information comes from a study of 84 people who received care and sedation during a visit to a Case Western Reserve dental clinic in endodontics, periodontics and oral surgery between 2010 and 2012. The patient's age, sex and other medical conditions were taken into account. The patients ranged between 8 and 88 and 63 percent were women.

More than half of the patients required moderation sedation to calm anxiety. The study also showed 15 percent feared needles, 15 percent feared local anesthesia failures and 8 percent feared an issue with a severe gag reflex and claustrophobia from the rubber dam.

An issue for sedating anxious patients is that not all endodontists are qualified to administer it. Many endodontic programs don't teach these procedures.

The Department of Endodontics at Case Western Reserve just introduced training for moderation sedation last year. The endodontic training abides by the guidelines of the Ohio State Dental Board and the American Dental Association. The rules and guidelines are required to qualify for the necessary certification to administer sedation.

Post Date: November 10, 2014

Supervised Tooth Brushing in Schools

Supervised teeth brushing may happen at school in some places.

A supervising body in England and Wales recently detailed its new recommendations for healthcare and one of the policies included supervised brushing programs in school and nurseries. The goal is to lower the prevalence of decay among children.

Recent statistics indicate that 10 percent of 3-year-olds in England and Wales show signs of dental decay even though the condition could easily be prevented. In some places, more than half of 5-year-olds have decaying teeth. Dentists throughout the United Kingdom have reported more children than in the past need extensive procedures resulting from decaying teeth.

In addition to monitoring brushing, adding more fluoride varnish is pivotal.

As it stands now, many of these children will have major dental problems when they are adults.

The areas with the poorest oral health were areas where poverty is highest.


Post Date: November 10, 2014

Gum Health May Have Gotten Worse as Time Passed

Ancient Romans knew how to take care of their gums.

Researchers from King's College London determined that only 5 percent of Romans suffered from gum disease while 30 percent of people today encounter that problem. Based on archaeological studies, the researchers concluded that the Roman lifestyle led to much healthier gums.

Dental issues, however, were still a problem during this time period. Abscesses and infections were quite common.

Today, smoking, type 2 diabetes and the food and drinks people consume lead to a higher risk of gum disease.

To reach the conclusion, researchers studied 300 skulls that were from 200 to 400 AD. The skulls were from people who were estimated to be 20 to 40 years old.

In the world today, one of three people will show signs of major gum disease, which is much higher than it was for the ancient Romans. The result of the study was surprising based on the abundance of dental infections and abscesses those people dealt with.

Post Date: November 10, 2014